Prepare Your Home For Newborn Photos

Prepare Your Home For Newborn Photos


Bringing a newborn baby into your home is a special and exciting time. One of the things many parents want to do is capture those precious moments and memories with newborn photos. To ensure that your photos turn out beautifully, it's important to prepare your home properly beforehand. In this blog post, I’ll go over some tips for preparing your home for newborn photos. Preparing your home for newborn photos is all about creating a warm and cozy atmosphere that will make your baby feel comfortable and calm. With a little preparation and planning, you can ensure that your photos turn out beautifully and capture those precious early moments with your adorable newborn!

Choose a location with plenty of natural light

When taking photos of your newborn, natural light is your best friend. Choose a location in your home that has plenty of natural light. This could be a room with large windows (ideally the nursery or your room) or a spot in your living room where the sun shines in during the day. I will turn off the overhead lights and lamps to remove any potential color cast. Make sure to clear any furniture or clutter away from the area so that the light can flow freely.

Keep the room warm

Newborn babies are used to being in warm environments, so it's important to keep the room where you'll be taking photos nice and warm. You can turn up the thermostat or use a space heater to create a warm and cozy atmosphere. This will also help keep your baby calm and comfortable during the photoshoot.

Prepare your props and outfits

If you're planning on using props or outfits during the photoshoot, make sure to prepare them in advance. Lay them out in the location where you'll be taking photos so that they're easy to access. Choose props and outfits that are simple and not too busy, so that your baby remains the focus of the photos.

Clean and tidy up

It's important to make sure that the area where you'll be taking photos is clean and tidy. This will ensure that the focus of the photos is on your baby and not on any clutter or mess in the background. You don't need to deep clean your entire home, but make sure that the area where you'll be taking photos is tidy and presentable.

Be prepared for breaks

Newborn babies have their own schedules and needs, so be prepared for breaks during the photoshoot. Have a changing area and feeding area set up nearby so that you can take care of your baby's needs as they arise. Don't worry if the photoshoot takes longer than expected or if you need to take breaks – it's important to prioritize your baby's comfort and well-being.


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